Archive for December, 2015

The Heart of the Beloved

December 27, 2015


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The tapestry of a life
falls from the mysterious
and forming
of one’s soul

Identity depends entirely
upon who is looking
and from where
and from
what perspective

If we write upon the sky
wanting to say
this is who I am
and this is where
I’ve been

we leave a pattern
and a path
in images of moments
and a rhythm
of our journey

Yet our heart knows
there is so much
more to share
if we care
to tell the deeper truth

What makes us unique
sets us apart
the call to oneness
silently arises
from within each heart

A beauty breaks through
the maze of details
as a mystical and delicate
haze forms
a transparent veil

The gaze of the Beloved
falls upon the vision
crowning it
with the Light
and Purity of Love

No matter how one crouches
in the dark
to hide their beauty
all will
one day be known

Beauty opens the path
for Love
smiling away fear
welcoming us
into that glorious Heart


The Arrival

December 9, 2015
an eternal moment
Feeling the deep stillness

in the sacred silence 
of the night

a spiritual rush 
of love 
overwhelms me

as the Presence 
of the Source of all love

filling the space 
around and within me

beyond all the beauty
 of the universe 

is a single breath 
of God….

the arrival 
of the transparency
and depth 
of the flow of God
in the sanctuary 
of the soul..
(painting by Rassouli
“The Arrival”)

The Light of All Light

December 5, 2015

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The whole universe trembles with the silence of God

It is a silent music shimmering deep within the Soul

spinning us beyond words to feel the pulsing Source

of Life itself in the Great Heart and Breath of God

The Light of All Light illuminates the darkness

in Infinite revelations of streaming brilliant Love…..
