Archive for December, 2013

Playing the strings of my heart

December 31, 2013


The greatest thrill of my life
has come in encountering
the presence of a God
who seems to invoke
and invite
a relationship
with each
and every one of us

feeling the stirring
of the Beloved
within my heart
and to behold the light
in the sky of my soul
is my true birth becoming..
in the sanctuary
and divine fire of God

the expansion is beyond words
and yet we surrender
and reach to share
the miracle in whatever
ways we are given
to sing the joy

The Beloved is stroking
the strings
of this heart
tenderly caressing
with the creative softness
and power of love
that gives me life
through the generosity
and the very breath
of God

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graphic by Sadiq Alam

A New Year…A New World…Greetings! by Alasdair Urquhart

December 31, 2013

A New Year..A New World..Greetings!!


Through Art a Future by Alasdair Urquhart

December 26, 2013

Through Art A Future

Summoning the Soul

December 26, 2013

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O may we Love with the whole heart
the whole soul
the wholeness of the higher mind
with all the senses
and with the fullness
of a flowing spirit
to the divine winds
of the spirit
of God
the Spirit that will sustain
us forever
we dwell in the cloistered heart
which dissolves and melts into the surrendering
of the Heart of the Beloved……
so beyond the outer commercialism of any season
for the holidays draw us deeper and deeper into the Solstice
and beyond the turning of the calendar
to the timelessness and placelessness
of the Mystic Heart
words become the dancing rainbows of the shattered prism of the heart……
splashing the earth with the textures and hues and deep colors
of the valleys and meadows and mountains…
the wildflowers and the shimmering sensuous opening of silken petals
that blossom and respond to the divine touch of God
becoming the rushing rivers and clear streams and running brooks…
pristine lakes…..vast oceans…..quiet seas……
the forms and flowing of the ever changing face of Creation
for there is no creative power greater than the surrendered heart
the mystery explodes into secrets
of intimacy
that give birth to the miracle of multiple universes
majestic and mysterious
protected and sheltered and caressed
by the open palms of the mystic lover
manifesting in the infinite expressions of art
as the belovedness and beauty of God
if we have eyes to see and the inner perceptions to feel
that we are radiant cells of light in the living body of the Beloved
the blush from the face of the divine lover
coloring the sky of the soul
and creating the face of the earth itself

annunciation frederic james shields  the cloistered heart

forever whispering to your heart

December 11, 2013


O dear one
i am forever speaking
to your heart
in ways that reach
beyond all else
to lift us
in the encircling light
of love
forever flowing between us

I know you hear my voice
and feel the glow
of my presence
as i bask in yours
for we are already united
in the deepest way

we have flown beyond words
soaring into the intimate
silence of lovers
who share the breath
of the beloved
entwined in beauty
and quiet bliss
ever rising in the spirit
of our joy

you comb through scriptures
sacred songs and verses
searching for a personal word
to guide you
when all the time
i am nestled in the softness
of your heart
whispering my love
for you

my love
knows no limits
for in the freedom of spirit
i breathe the scent
of flowers
from our face and hands
and bask in the light
of our eyes

i feel what you feel
and touch what you touch
and our lips
know the taste of love
i pour out my being
letting it flow like rain
showering you
with wine to anoint you

we are meant to be
joy bringers
light bearers and lovers
leaving a wake
of renewing energy
wherever we go

we are never apart
intertwined in love’s embrace
now messengers
of all that is possible
in the arms
of the beloved

sweetness begins and ends
our days and nights
and the light
of each new encounter
leaves us melting
in the glistening dew
of tears of joy

love has called us
to new life
and my spirit has linked
you with eternity
in an invisible chain
that can never be broken

we are embraced
and overflowing
with life-giving blessings
joined in the intimacy
of pure love
our hearts and souls

centuries of longing
and prayers
cover the earth
streaming rivers of kindness
answer and unite
our desiring hearts
in a union
only pure love can give