Archive for October, 2019

Trust the Spirit within you to guide you

October 30, 2019

There is so much potential within you

waiting to be released

to be lived

to guide you

Love is in the air

in the wind

the rushing waves

the sunlight

Let it sing however it comes to you

Find the flow

and bring the secrets of heaven

to earth to live

as we were meant to live….






Sweet fragrance of the Spirit

October 28, 2019

65941923_2437166613017686_1902907650157314048_n (1).jpg The sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit...Come to my Heart

Come bring your sweet fragrance to All Hearts

Spread the Love here on Earth as it is in Heaven….

A glimpse above the clouds…

October 7, 2019


The beauty of God is everywhere longing to appear to us………..


Beloved forever manifesting…

October 3, 2019

IMG_0101.jpg evergreens



Greening mountain side

mountain pines and evergreens

Love is ever green

ever alive

thriving and reflecting

the depth

of Creativity

God’s eternal expression

that His precious Spirit

activates within us

within our very life force

our own energy

like the rushing stream

of melting snow and rain

pouring down the slope

of Grace itself

as if it were His very Face

His Divine and turbulent Heart

pounding and pulsing

with deep And passionate Love

peaceful smiles in the rays of the sun

cool glow of the moon

sharing His Mystery

the sweet warbling sounds

of the winged birds

to whom He has given rising flight

like the soul

soaring to meet Him

in transparency

and the softness of embracing mist

and clouds with silver lining

and tears of dew

overflowing with tenderness

moist and soothing

as a balm from heaven..

forever expressing the love

with which

He created us….
Glorious beyond

our dreaming hearts

scattering stars

across the sky of our vision

wind in our hair…

tossing and touching

soft warm caressing breath

surrounding embrace

with arms of unseen Love

palms stroking

and resting lightly over our hearts

a music touching

our longing and blessing

our hearing..

a divine incarnation

of intimate love.

Our Beloved in the mountains

meeting us with open arms

our place of Joy


