Archive for June, 2017


June 27, 2017
unnamed (9).jpg mountain stream Dan
the quest for impossible beauty
is a deep seeking for God
a yearning to open
the mysterious revelations
that leap from the womb of creation itself
the nameless wonder that launches
the imagination and receptivity
to that soaring truth that calls and attracts
the heart toward an unproven existence
within the soul
a call for faith that awakens
the longing for a pilgrimage to answer
that whispering
presence that hovers in a numinous
place within our own sacredness
crowned with the luminous
glow of a quivering energy
of spirit swirling in the dancing eddies
of a mountain stream that we
feel as ourselves
a throbbing purity being born
moment to moment
flowing and rising to levels
where only God can call us….
and only beloveds have eyes to see
to behold and feel..
reeling in the beauty we return
cleansed and innocent
and new again…

everything is the beloved…

June 23, 2017



This earth floats and drifts
in infinite beauty, sweet strands
of spirit in feathered clouds like spun sugar
and the glow of star shine on a clear night
the afterglow of music curling around the heart
the luring of the moon drawing the sea
the gravity of love drawing me
to Thee… so invisibly free..
Who is it breathing this turning earth to life?
Transparency….luminosity…an aura circling
thy curls like a crown…fields of heather
cool grass beneath my feet..
violets tickling my toes..
the way a wish becomes a dream
and how your heart beats in mine..
you sweep me in your arms
without appearing…warm and endearing..
who needs proof for what the soul can feel
can we prove beauty is real..
we leap and dance like a flame
whispering only the name…


A Song of Freedom

June 17, 2017
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A Song of Freedom..
Come live in me
and be with me in the garden
of truth
and the peace
of the soul..
Let me be with you
wherever you go
whatever you do and whoever
you are with..
There is a moment when Love
springs into life
and explodes into a star
that begins to guide
your deeper heart
to follow a light beyond anything
you can explain..
The radiance beckons
and illuminates
the path
that will always lead
you home
into the warmth
and timeless sanctuary
of a sacred state of being..
This is the illuminating glory
of a sacred shelter
within each of us..
a feeling of being in the arms
of the glorious Oneness
I call the Beloved..
It flowers into an
inner kingdom that rises beyond
all the boundaries and limits
that an outer world
tries to impose
on us to try and control
and manage our
our beliefs..
Faith in love
is not a surrendering
anyone can give you
or frighten you
into choosing as a way
of life..
for there is a glowing alchemy..
a rising energy already
within us
waiting for us to remember
who we are..
It comes as a grace
and a light
to guide
the flowing journey
of each life
on this
sacred earth..
Only the beautifully pure Love
of the Spirit of God can
truly awaken
our heart and soul to
pass through
the gate
of the secret
of living such a relationship
here on earth..
Listen for that song
that is the music of your
very own soul
calling you
A portal is opening…

Feathering a nest in Thee..

June 10, 2017
17264876_10210544475901577_8276441987715263009_n.jpg Rassouli Wings of Paradise
Feathering a Nest in Thee
Let me rest upon your chest
next to your heart
and feel the fluttering
within my breast
its quivering wings
I have been a teacher all my life
it seems…and now
everything has vanished
like my dreams
upon waking in the ease
of that gentle breeze
at dawn
the songs of longing slipped
into the sea
when love emerged
like the mist
and kissed away
all I thought I knew
leaving sweet morning dew
upon my lips
mixed with tears
and with it years of learning
disappearing like clouds melting
in the rain…
washing away the pain and the ache
of a breaking heart…
lifted me into a flight
lighter than air
and love was there
rainbows of light that stayed
through the night..
the flow of sweet cradling arms
and now love is all I know…

Morning song of creation..

June 2, 2017

1487683_750032868373439_355061339003347284_o little bird in flight


A Morning Song of Creation


I hear a soft rustling of wings

and the sweet melodic

song of a bird nestling close

to my window where I write

seeming to settle near

the flowing alpha waves

of my heart

as I listen to my soul..

my own nest of pillows

surrounding me..

my pen in hand…

as I begin to sing my own

deeply human arias of love

as dawn touches the earth with light..


Somehow this tiny feathered beauty

and I share a destiny

which warms and comforts me.


We are never alone when receiving

the grace of communion.

A community asserts itself into

our lives that we never expected..

surprising our longing hearts.


This little one uses her wings

building a nest of fallen twigs

feathers and colored things

warming a space given to her

through grace alone

to nurture life and give all she is to allow

new life to flow through her

to the rhythm

of her throbbing heart.

She shares her inner warmth with the

seeds of light inside her.


I feel the stirring of love

that finds its strength from

the seeds of light within myself.

They flourish and flower into the beginnings

of a new creation this earth

has never known.


Every soul carries a whispering music

within them from the Beloved

somehow inspiring and moving us to nurture

this new life with a stream of never ending love.


We are lifted into flight by a Spirit

that contains us All.

All we can do is surrender

and be true to the glory of telling the story

of creation and a new world that

perpetuates and creates

the precious reason

we were born into these renewing

seasons of love

empowered by an infinite divinity

sharing life-giving

breath and living presence

all from the Source of the One who sings

within each life.


We hear the sweet refrains

of a new creation

swelling into a chorus of songs

becoming a sacred hymn

celebrating the gift of being

as we unfurl and discover each other

intimately alive within us

in never ending ways.

