Archive for the ‘Spirit’ Category

Love is the secret spring of existence…….

August 1, 2015

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Feeling the laughter of light …..
and the flow of the music of love
a kaleidscope of beauty tumbling and turningĀ 
in the eyes of our hearts
all that comes to life
and transports us in timeless grace
into new worlds we create
moment by moment
the songs
seep from the forms
as a spring from the soul
feeling whole
and free
to be sharing with thee
the sacred sound of silence
as vision pouring
from the minstrels
and maestros
the troubadours
artists of light
from the sun
and melting in the glow
from the moon


As the light touches the horizon of our world
appearing and disappearing
a play of sunbeams..coloring dreams
streaming and dazzling …..our grateful eyes
sunrise….butterflies…….silver grey shadows casting blue
I seem to thrive on being alive
and feel an aching love….and a profusion
of tears for the weeping earth….sweet sighs
to be so touched by beauty ….
