Archive for March, 2015

The gift of peace

March 29, 2015

0 - Veil of Mystery

In this pristine silence

I enter softly into the monastery

of my being

peace draws me into itself

a renewing spring surrounding me

cleansing embrace

of innocence

a portal opens

into the pure light of the womb

of infinite possibilities

the divine light of love 574927_3968602501468_732539788_n

the light of God

March 27, 2015


the light of God
is everywhere
waiting for the breath
of lovers
to ignite the flame within

the rushing purity of love
flames silently
in the sweet music
and pulsing
throbbing rhythm
through the power of life itself

divine energy streaming
seeking open
and surrendered
pathways to the soul

fling open the doorway
to the heart
and welcome
the searing rays
of the eyes of God
and let them change you


The Journey to wholeness

March 26, 2015

10641088_10206451440432792_4658247966968904071_n.jpg  Rassouli painting

The wonders of the earth overwhelm
and uplift through the beauty
and expressions of life
the power and variation
is humbling
to behold and feel….

There is a divine spark
in every soul
waiting to be seen
and ignited
as a blaze of glory
in the ways we flow
from the source
of all life….

May the gaze of love
warm the heart of each
and every life
that they might thrive
and feel the unconditional
everlasting embrace
and generosity
of the giver of all grace…

Gratefully surrendered
and aligned with the source
of the light of dawn
and the streaming rays
of the sun that warms
the earth….and the moon
that casts a glow
over this glorious garden..

Enchanted by the night skies
and the million eyes
that anoint us with starlight
to brighten the darkness..
perhaps we live in the polarity
to appreciate the creative
gift life truly can be….
for separation is not even
possible in the unity
and oneness of God…


Painting is a playful version of several of Rassouli’s paintings

Song from the silences of the soul

March 18, 2015


girl_floating_on_water.jpg  lake

Singing a song
from the sweet swinging silences
swaying within my soul
every moment
a freshness springs
from the earth and sky and sea

All is from Thee
the Love and Creator
of All I see
everything flows through the glow
of the light of your grace
the touches of you are
here and everywhere
forever new
countless expressions
appearing every hour
an unending stream of creative power

manifesting moment by moment
then wiping it clean
changing the scene
to keep it alive and free

beyond time
the divine is sublime
for laughter reigns in the heart
our tears wash away
the sadness
that hides our innocence
and steals
the secret healing
power of play

O my friend
what shall we do today
what shall we make
from these dancing hearts
create us a lake
and we will
drift in the bliss
of a morning swim


The visionary kiss of light

March 17, 2015

10383126_10204259653679493_4428066864947161788_n.jpg anointed with light

The visionary kiss of light

Wandering through the many chambers
of the miracle of beingness
gazing at the colors
and variation of imagination
hearing the music
of the dance of creation
swaying and playing
in the thermals
of the winds of flight

falling in the energy of life
expressing life
laughing at the humor
of a creator
who could visualize
a giraffe
munching leaves
from a treetop

a turtle who hides in
his shell
or an ant balancing
and carrying
crumbs to his humble hole
in the ground

a lumbering elephant
braying and spraying his back
through a trunk
in the rivering flow
of the jungle

a blinking firefly lighting
up the night
a golden dandelion that turns
to fluffy spinning seeds

an earth with changing seasons
when it could have all
been the same
day after day around
the world

who could imagine snow
with every snowflake swirling
into a delicate design
an ocean filled with splendor
and waves moved
by the moon

something new is appearing
human beings of every
shape and size
the gaze
of a million eyes

how blessed we are
to glide
and thrill to this incredible ride
sliding through time
becoming and shedding
identities like
the butterfly sheds
its cocoon and flies on
tiny wings

come dance with me
beneath the moon and stars
just for fun
and feel the sun
renew us with golden light
on a sacred flight
into joy


creating a rainbow

10869581_294782530731629_3192978169236936536_o.jpg  creating a rainbow

A divine spirit

March 16, 2015

TheArt  rassouli

A divine secret hovers in the mist
..rising from the river

..glistening from the dew
in the garden

..dancing on the waters of life

..sliding in the raindrops
playing on the window

..appearing in the tears
of love 
slipping from the eyes the whispering secrets
from the heart to thee

…in the sweet songs

of spirit

a portal opens
and we rise
in a new lightness
of being

..pure love
sets the spirit free


Song of Creativity

March 14, 2015

446447071_640  winegiverSong of Creativity

the creative flow of energy
welling up
from the heart
through caressing palms
flights of the soul
on wings of color
sweeping tender strokes
brushing by
melting and mingling into music
sweet sighs scattering seeds
seeking a place to blossom
and become
an eternal spring

a radiant light in the womb
in a mystical night
beyond sight
streaming into
an aching softness
a sacred
in a glowing cloud
of unknowing
swirling and flowing
of love
creating a universe
of a pure


Sacred realms of mystery

March 11, 2015

since early morning
to the silences 
where secrets are hidden
tis a kind of infusion
that fills
the awareness
with the energies
of life
whispering stars
spinning silvery light
across the sky
someone tips the moon 
to anoint the eyes
and a veil of tears cleanses 
and clears the vision
mystics are drawn to the lovers
dreamers and saints
to the swamis and monks
the disciples of avatars and prophets
to the artists 
surrendered to God  
through flame and fire
and candlelight  
the rhythm and dance
of the centuries
the divine touch
of the Beloved
transfigures and opens our hearing
and lifts the veil
from all that obscures
the truth
each is called to create
and summoned
to share the gift 
within the molecules 
of being

Following the glow

March 3, 2015

Following the glow

The sun rises and casts its rays
upon the earth
touching and warming
the spark
hidden within each and every life
the flame sighs
and sings with the breath
of God
manifesting form
and vision

mystical glimmering beneath
the fallen stardust
on the path
to the entrance
of the castling seclusion
of the beloved
granting us clues
to the secrets of the womb
of creation

spinning and splashing color
across the skies
of the soul
creating worlds
and dancing with the dream
of spirit
the mystic dances
with the invisible glow
of love

brilliant metaphors
play across the vision of life
luring us into beauty
the illusion of matter
far beyond
the reach of grasping hands
who would use it
for themselves alone

spinning trails of light
of illumination
the lovers
discover the passage
to the sweet bliss
of union
while wandering in awe
on the sea of thee


00  flowing toward the beloved.