Archive for November, 2013

A surrendering sigh

November 22, 2013

00 Goddess of the Galaxies

Everywhere I gaze
or silently listen..
when I am touched..
or experience taste upon my tongue..
sweet dew upon my lips
when I breathe in divine fragrance
carried on a drifting breeze…
deep within the garden of my heart
I see and feel the traces and signs
flowing from the Beloved..
beauty of spirit dancing in the sun..
heavenly wildflowers swaying into form..
bursting from seeds of light..
images flowing and forming everywhere
splashing colors across the earth..
wrapping me in silken strands
of tenderness…
reeling and spinning in pure love
created in innocence
crowned in light
we tell the story
and sing the glory
of the One
from which we come..
always new
and profoundly true


Glory of the divine heart

November 18, 2013

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Slowly opening the eyes
of my heart

poised in breathless moments
before dawn

I behold the Beloved
creating a vision

suspended in skies
of azure blue

filling my mystic eyes
with tears and starlight

a dissolving dew
of paradise

melting glowing colors
into the soft wine of love

as sweet fingertips
tenderly touch my lips

with sensuous sips
of bewildering beauty

sending me spiraling beyond
the dawn of the rising sun

into the caressing embrace
and timeless grace of God


The passion of the setting sun

November 15, 2013


The sun seemed reluctant
to leave the sky
hesitant to disappear
for a beloved was watching
and walking near

the sun began to dance
hurling fire
catching clouds for a ride
dripping flames beside
those feet
and that heart that comes
to meet the sun
at dusk and twilight
with love so sweet

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the sun goes wild
with solar flares
and shoots them high
to light the sky
a fiery climax to a day
of reigning glory

even the sun can fall
into radiant madness
when a beloved delights
in every move


All glory is thine

a voice shouts out

and laughter fills the air

the sun now forming wings

to glide beside him

turning his curls to gold


the sun tells the story
of love
with a sizzling kiss
and a shimmering smile
lighting the way
with wings of fire
that shine
in the night



Photos taken by Neeraj Pandey  in the Himalayas on a walk at twilight..

The Divine Winds of Spirit

November 1, 2013


The divine winds of Spirit..

May you see and feel
the vision
and the Light
of the Beloved
gazing through your eyes
wherever you go
whatever you do
in every reflection
of the created world.

May you know
the unspeakable beauty
of the pure Love of the Beloved
in your heart and soul
and feel the warmth and richness
and blessing
of that embrace

May you hear the Voice
within your voice that guides
your every thought and word
as your life is transformed
into your song of Joy
that you share with every
and hungry heart

May you know the breath
of life
and be sustained
by the sacred breathing
of the Beloved

May you drink the water of life
in communion at dawn
at midnight
in every sunrise and sunset
in every morning and evening
and feel the water changed to wine
by the touch of the Love
of the Beloved
still blessing the wine
of every covenant union

May the spaces between us
always be blessed
and so filled with
the words of the Beloved..
there will be no distance
our hearts and souls

May you know the heart and soul
of the Beloved within me
is known in the
of the heart and soul
of the Beloved
within you

for you are as much me
as I am myself

I am as much you
as you are yourself

the truth of our nameless
faceless existence
of Spirit is known
in our recognition
and our remembrance
that all life
is but a ray
of the miracle
and majesty of the Beloved
