and suddenly….there is God

February 2, 2020

Imagine all the goodness

you have ever known

the dearest love

the kindness of a heart

forever open

all the beauty you have seen

the purity of spirit

the sweetest touch

you have ever felt

the brush of a warm breeze

on your face

playing in your hair

a delicate caress

that brushed your lips

an embrace as soft

as clouds

imagine the wonder

of a light within you that

never goes out

visualize a microcosm

of stars and moon

and a sun

in your soul

whirling new planets

being created

in a womb of love

sheltering the very essence

of your being

rainbows and crystals

and prisms

breaking open

and scattering color

look deep into your own eyes

and see the light playing

on the open sea

dancing and reflecting

gazing back at you

truly seeing you

feel the presence

that never leaves you

surrounds you

in tenderness

imagine being blessed

and a blushing sky

a music that send you soaring

a rhythm

that moves your heart

trust this great love as true

for this is God

loving you

waiting for you

to awaken to forever


Sacred music becomes adoration

January 9, 2020

A sharing of a truly sacred experience

December 21, 2019

Sharing A Personal Vision

I had a vision just as I was awakening several years ago. Jesus was standing before me, and I stood in front of him trying to take the vision in and comprehend what I was seeing. It was that mystical time between sleeping and waking, before I am completely awake. Jesus was wearing the crown of thorns, and there were drops of blood on his forehead where the thorns were piercing his skin.

I reached up to touch him, to feel the blood on his skin, and it was warm and real. I asked him if it is still painful. He told me that it was not painful, not anymore, because he was lifted beyond it. We didn’t speak aloud, but it was communicated telepathically, in that I knew his thoughts and answers, and he knew mine. It was the communion of love.

Since he was more than just the physical body, I asked if it would be possible if I could look through his eyes to see what he sees. He told me that I could do that. I was to direct my vision and thought to move inside his form and image, and I would be there. So, I did, and I felt myself looking out of the eyes of Jesus, who in spirit form had become the consciousness of Christ… the spiritual Light of Love. I could feel

my inner awareness within him, and yet I felt the surrounding warmth and grace of the Pure Love that he was and truly is.

Everything I looked at through his eyes, I saw with indescribable Love.

I stepped out and turned to face him again. I was surrounded by an aura of light, a glow, which was from the peace he gave me.  I spoke. I told him how beautiful the experience was and how much I loved him. He asked if he could focus his presence within me and look through my eyes. I was stunned, but answered immediately, that of course, he could!

I felt the presence of the Christ energy of light within me, a great spiritual warmth, and I could feel his gaze through my eyes.  I could feel his breath through my lips. I could feel his heart beating around mine. I was truly exalted by it in a way that I could never describe with words. It was a divine gift, an ecstasy, an inspiration, that transformed and changed me.

He stepped out and turned to face me with a glowing smile, for he knew what I was feeling. I told him it was truly the most wonderful moment of my life. I don’t know how I got the courage to ask if it would be possible to move within his form once more. He smiled and laughed a little, and he told me yes.

I stood silently within the consciousness of Christ surrendering my total being as completely as I could.

I moved out and turned to face him, and I let the radiant love I was feeling surround us to share the beauty of the union I was experiencing. I asked him how I could ever thank him for the gift of such love, this truly divine generosity of this sharing and his appearance to me. He told me that I already had witnessed to that and had already shown my deep gratitude………. he said he loved me, and I said I loved him with all my heart and soul…………………………………………………….and he slowly faded from my sight. Yet, I felt His Presence, His Energy that filled my Heart and filled the room.

I didn’t move for over an hour. I just remained in the stillness and the miracle of what had just happened. My eyes were wide open, still seeing. It was more real than anything that has ever happened to me in my life.

It was some time ago when I had the vision, and yet, I can still recall it as if it were happening now in this moment. Of course, it changed my life, and it changed the way I see everything and everyone. I have never been the same. Yet, I have had to live into the creative power and beauty and truth of what I saw and have felt through the years. I had to breathe it in, live the truth of it, and take it into my consciousness to allow it to become timeless and eternal.

I now believe it is extremely important that when one has an experience that truly inspires such as this, even though it is tremendously personal and very precious, that this is also meant to awaken anyone who longs for a deeper relationship with this Great Love and Presence, one who longs for the fullness and wholeness within each of us, the potential of being fully human, fully divine, and aware of the living Spirit within us. This is an invitation to open and awaken to this sacred potential within each heart and soul.

This is the truth of my experience, still as fresh as the moment it happened.

Naomi Stone

May every heart be led to God

December 16, 2019

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May your heart be led to God

to the One Source of All Creation

that the secrets might be opened within you

to find your own unique path

to the greatest love the world has ever known.

May you find the Presence of the Beloved

in each and every moment

and know you are Home.






A truly great Presence and Spirit has created you

November 14, 2019

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When a holy one prays with an open heart, all of heaven must open and every star listen is listening!

We are called to hope, to pray for faith, and to trust the love which has created this earth

and all Creation, all Life, and certainly each and every one of us!

Love says,

“I have created you and hear your whispering.”

“I am as close as your beating heart loving you into being.”

” I am with you always until the ends of the earth and beyond.”

“You were created for Joy out of my infinite Love for you.”

“You are my sons and daughters,  and I have made a place for us to be together!”


Each life is its own revelation

November 13, 2019
I have been in love with the unknown
forever it seems,
and it is like the sunlight that plays in the leaves, 
ripples on the water, dances on my walls, 
and illuminates 
my journey and relationship with God. 
Something touches the heart 
and the soul,
transforms the eyes 
from seeing to beholding, 
and guides my being
to discover the Beloved
in every breath I take
and in my own lived experience
of the Word manifesting
a lived experience of the Spirit
that finds its lightness
of being in a Love
that cannot be
translated into form.
Who guides us to discover the invisible?
Only one who has vanished into God
can draw us into the unseen…
and there the divine
sweeps us into 
a beauty that encompasses
all existence…
an intimacy so sweet
a love so rare
I fall silent.

Trust the Spirit within you to guide you

October 30, 2019

There is so much potential within you

waiting to be released

to be lived

to guide you

Love is in the air

in the wind

the rushing waves

the sunlight

Let it sing however it comes to you

Find the flow

and bring the secrets of heaven

to earth to live

as we were meant to live….






Sweet fragrance of the Spirit

October 28, 2019

65941923_2437166613017686_1902907650157314048_n (1).jpg The sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit...Come to my Heart

Come bring your sweet fragrance to All Hearts

Spread the Love here on Earth as it is in Heaven….

A glimpse above the clouds…

October 7, 2019


The beauty of God is everywhere longing to appear to us………..


Beloved forever manifesting…

October 3, 2019

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Greening mountain side

mountain pines and evergreens

Love is ever green

ever alive

thriving and reflecting

the depth

of Creativity

God’s eternal expression

that His precious Spirit

activates within us

within our very life force

our own energy

like the rushing stream

of melting snow and rain

pouring down the slope

of Grace itself

as if it were His very Face

His Divine and turbulent Heart

pounding and pulsing

with deep And passionate Love

peaceful smiles in the rays of the sun

cool glow of the moon

sharing His Mystery

the sweet warbling sounds

of the winged birds

to whom He has given rising flight

like the soul

soaring to meet Him

in transparency

and the softness of embracing mist

and clouds with silver lining

and tears of dew

overflowing with tenderness

moist and soothing

as a balm from heaven..

forever expressing the love

with which

He created us….
Glorious beyond

our dreaming hearts

scattering stars

across the sky of our vision

wind in our hair…

tossing and touching

soft warm caressing breath

surrounding embrace

with arms of unseen Love

palms stroking

and resting lightly over our hearts

a music touching

our longing and blessing

our hearing..

a divine incarnation

of intimate love.

Our Beloved in the mountains

meeting us with open arms

our place of Joy


